I really can't believe how quickly the time has gone, it seems theres not enough hours in the day. Despite the demands placed on our time, JBloggers are a funny bunch, it seems some of us consider our blogs to be such an essential part of us that if we go on holidays we suffer blog withdrawal.
The good thing about being a JPixer is you can go on that holiday guilt free, knowing you'll be able to bring back lots of photos for JPix! (and possibly yourself??)
Hosting a JPix is always rewarding, theres that sense of oh no theres only 2 days to go and I haven't even started it, but in the end we all manage to get it done some how. By the way regulars might notice this JPix is a day late, well tar and feather Mr Bagel!
If you'd like to have a go at hosting JPix then don't be shy.
JPix Catergory Express:
Eretz Yisrael
Out & About
Family & Friends
Altered Images
Art for Art sake
- the Jewish Photo Carnival.
Eretz Yisrael
Rafi G from Life in Israel presents Adventures in Eretz Yisrael: Hebron: Cave of the Patriarchs (M'aras Ha'Machpela) .
Ari Kinsberg from Ari's Blog presents Ari's Blog: A Desert Road Trip (A Pictorial) which looks like it was quite an adventure.
David from Temunot presents one of his series Postcards from Israel - The Dan River You'll see another of Davids 'Post Cards series later in the History section.Cosmic X has been checking out the progress of the Jerusalem Calatrava Bridge
Tel Aviv Daily Photo has posted a Photo titled Lead the way whilst out exploring they came across a view of Shenkein Street then it was of to the beach for a little Enjoying the Beach.
Akiva from Mystical Paths shows us a Crescent Moon over Tzfat
Evan from Planet Israel has been exploring again and takes us on an extended photographic Trip to the Shomron
- Shomron Trip VII: The View from Hill 851
- Shomron Trip VI: The Hilltops of Itamar
- Shomron Trip V: Organic Agriculture
- Shomron Trip IV: Itamar
- Shomron Trip III: On Mount Grizzim
- Shomron Trip II: Mayim Chayim
- Shomron Trip I: The Ride to Shchem
[ Quite an indulgent list of Posts but Evan's Shomron series is quite incredible!]
Ari Kinsberg presents Ari's Blog: Kotel: Appropriate and Inappropriate Uses posted at Ari's Blog.
Akiva's Wife at Mystical paths has written a post on the tremendous mitzvah of baking Challah, she includes some really beautiful loaves of Challah, The Segulah of Challah .
I can fully understand the attraction of having fresh home baked Challah as I am fortunate enough to have fresh home baked Challah every Shabbos, thanks to a wonderful Mrs Bagel.
inside the life and thoughts of... just had a go at baking Challah, and although it wasn't a total successful its good to see people have a go! Is that really Challah?
David from Temunot has a fantastic post on the Southern wall excavations in the old City of Yerushalayim. It's quite amazing to think as David aptly points out that the devastation and rocks which lay about have essentially remained unchanged for 2 Millennia. Make sure you visit his post A Frozen Scream
In another of Temunot's 'Postcards from Israel' series David shows us the intriguing Tel Dan, its another worth history post: Postcards from Israel - Tel Dan
Whilst there you may want to take up the challenged with David's Where in Israel 3 or his even harder Where in Israel 4
Out & About
A Spectacular sunset, provides David from Temunot with this spectacular photo 'Fire and Sand' The Sunset being the final act to a free Piamenta Concert on Long Beach California. Davids son plays with his friends
Sara enjoys a walk to clear her head with Rest and Relaxation Under the Boardwalk and also clears the sepia mode from her camera!
Jewish Blogmeister presents Jewish Blogmiester Exclusive: Pictures from the Flood! posted at Jewish Blogmeister.
Rafi G presents Only in Israel posted at Life in Israel.
Baleboosteh says sorry with flowers in her post Sorry I haven't Been Around here's hoping she doen't get a frosty reception, speaking of such heres another Baleboosteh post A Frosty Update
New York Minute has posted some beautiful of Photos of New York in summer, check out:
New York In Summer: Sylvan Glade, Gentle Bowers and Refreshingly Cold
Mr Bagel was in awe at the beauty of this photo, and knowing that Yossi from The Next Step had already been featured last JPix12 as the featured Photo, I decided a sunrise is an occasion to celebrate in itself!
We should all remember the simple things which can bring us the most Joy.
David from Temunot has posted Malki's Song a timely remembrance of Malki Roth.
Malki's Song
Each of us has a share in the World to Come
And that is already a reason to be happy
We each have a spark and a start
And this is reason enough to be happy
You live, breath, move
That’s a good start
Each of us have a way of arriving
We all have a way back too
We each have a hope and a future
And a place in the World to Come
You live, breath, move
That’s a good start
Each of us have so many reasons
So you better start dancing now
We each already have a reason to laugh
So let’s all shout together-
You live, breath, move
That’s a good start
Please visit David's blog Temunot to understand the significance.
More about Malki and the wonderful work her parents do here: Keren Malki
On a sombre note its a good time to remember all victims of Terrorism, From Something and half of Something comes some disturbing news Report from Lebanon also make sure you check out the last picture of 177 Jews who died all of whom were murdered by Palestinian terrorists after the terrorists were released from Israeli prisons.
Family & Friends
Seems Raggedy Mom was very impressed with how little 4 year old Ann dealt with an endless parade of injections from the family doctor. Lots and Lots of Shots.
Sara With No H shares another beautiful photo with Presenting...
A Mother in Israel shares her daughter's 'half' birthday (only kids could think of that!), check the photo out here: The Half Birthday Girl, I must admit I was very impressed with Rafi G's comment, make sure you check it out.
Mottel from Letters of Thought is busy traveling and leaving Posts as reminders and quizzes as to where he has been, and where he might be going.
Seems he has come across a Fiddler without a Roof in Prague, and a rather beautiful raibow.
Mottle always seems to be traveling lately, in his post The Roving Rabbis Rove On he invites us to peruse a few of the photos of his recent travels which didn't make it into other posts.
Yossi shows us a remarkable portrait of a young Shy Girl and her father whilst traveling through India last summer.
Batya from Meander
has just recently had a trip to the United States she post this photo of her flying Off, up and away for a while seems Batya hasn't been posting as regular as she usually does.I hope she has lots of pics from her US trip to show us soon!
Raggedy Mum has been 'enjoying the sounds of a metro-New York summer' even tho the road is a 'Raggedy Road'
Altered Images
Yid with Lid has been having a dabble altering images, and as always you can't help but chuckle with Yid's humor. Check out CAIR: Silencing Debate For Dummies
Mr Bagel has a similar sense of humor and you'll often find many of the Photos and Pictures Mr Bagel has featured on his blog have been substantially changed in some way. A good example is my article on the Iranian conspiracy theory that Harry Potter is really a Jewish plot thats has csot the 'Zionist' billions. Check my post out here:Proof! It's True!
Zionist Plot uncovered in Harry Potters latest Book! and make sure you click on the link of the picture at the very bottom!
Art for Art sake
A Simple Jew presents Black & White Picture Of The Week - Slanted Floor which is featured as the Art Photo this fortnight. A Simple Jew has also has posted a Black & White Picture Of The Week - Forest Path
Sara With No H presents Delerium hopefully she might get a little more sleep now that bubs has arrived.Other
Random Stuff
Courtesy of Sara With No H
Arier from Hearth Tablets captues a Monarch Butterly ready to take see the photo at re: Weekend

For a list of previous editions click here: Archive
Submit a post to the Next JPix Carnival
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
j pix - jewish photo carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.

: JPix * JPix13 * JPix 13 * JPix Photo Carnival * JPix Photos * Jewish Photography * JPix The Jewish Photo Carnival * Jewish Photo Carnival * Jewish Photos * Jewish * Mr Bagel * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger * Jew * j pix - jewish photo carnival * blog carnival.