Mr Bagel would like to announce that Me-ander has put the first part of JPix 3 Up! Yes this issue is so huge the Incredible Me-ander is doing it in two parts!
View more about the first half of JPix3 ...

JPix3 The Purim Edition
I shall never again underestimate Batya from Me-ander.
Just When I thought I knew her and her 'ways' she has thrown me totally off guard.
Me ander is the host of this weeks JPix 3, the Jewish Photo Carnival and not only is she doing a monumental job she has added an extra unforeseen dimension to it.
It seems Me-ander has become Purim Muddled and not only can't tell Haman from Mordecai, but can't tell which JBlogger has done which photo!
It makes for quite an interesting and different challenge. If you think you know what makes 'JBloggers' tick, then use your knowledge and try to guess who has posted which pictures.
Make sure you check out:
JPix3 The Purim Edition
Bagelblogger Get those entries into JPix..!
* Jpix 3 * Jpix The Purim Edition * Me-ander * Jpix * Jewish Photography * Jewish Photography Carnival * JPix CarnivalJ Pix Carnival * Jewish Art * Jewish Photos and Blogs * Jewish Photo Blogs * Jewish Photo Essays * Israel and Photos * Jewish Creativity * Jewish * Israel * JewishBagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger TrackBack
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