Ramon Crater - leaping upon the mountains
Photo courtesy of Josh from Josh's Photos
Welcome to the JPix No 2,
The 2nd Jewish Photo Carnival

Mixing it up!
Want to Host?
Batya from Me-ander and Shiloh Musings is the Host for the next JPix 3,
Chaim from Life of Rubin is the host for JPix 4 .
If anyone has ever done a Haveil Havalim, Kosher Cooking Carnival, or other type of carnival then you'll be the first to agree hosting a carnival is quite a bit of work.
Yet in hosting a carnival you gain many things which aren't immediately obvious.
This isn't a definitive list of the benefits of hosting a carnival, but whilst JPix Carnival is a community carnival, those that host it aren't totally un rewarded.
Welcome to the 2nd JPix
Carnival of Pictures.

Above: Area around Mugrabi gate
Reb Nati from Mystical Paths takes us on a inspiring trip to BchaYordan in Just a Simple Day in the Life of Simple Jews

Right: Winter rains soak the Valley of Shiloh

Above: Signs of late winter are abundant
But considering she's the proud author of Chapter 18 of the new book Hide and Seek which she proudly holds stating I was there! Where were you? we understand her usual large dose enthusiasm
Right: Batya holding the newly released Hide and Seek

Yisrael's neighbour has a spectacular almond tree in full blossom, check out Yisrael's blog to see The Blossoming Almond Tree .

1.It's Tu B'Av at Shiloh,
3. Another Shiloh Antiquity - a Magen David
4. Another Shiloh Mosaic Picture
5. View News Item on New Findings at Tel Shiloh
6. More Archaeological Discoveries At Shiloh
7.A Topographical Map of Shiloh, 1941

Evan from Planet Israel talks about the Ateret Cohanim and their attempts at correcting an injustice one house at a time its a great essay with many photos.
Right: A Jewish man walks past some Arabs
Another of Evan's Photos from his blog, Planet Israel worth seeing.
A Simple Jew has some probing questions on the creative process in Question & Answer with Space Cadet - Creativity
A Simple Jew also requests we consider what appears to be a worthy cause in his article Dancing with Kugels
Above Right: Composition of leaves

Her thumbs are back as she discovers her new mobile phone doesn't do some things her old phone did. Barely sleeping due to the worry of knowing if her new phone alarm would go off automatically like her old one. A restless sleep, hours fly by, and the new day dawns .
Above: A crimson sunset on returning to Shiloh

SoccerDad shows us some Snow scenes from this February around the home, and not to far away..

Why am I thinking of T. S. Elliot?

Yamlive goes to Parish NY chasing 9ft deep snow!
Thanks to Chaim from Life of Rubin for pointing the weather vane.

I've heard of storm chasing but 9ft deep snow chasing?
They seem to know how to have fun

they were getting down and getting 'groovy'

Its a beautiful photo of the most iridescent greens, the detaill is amazing.

Baleboosteh has a post dealing with the recent heavy rains that her part of Australia recieved. Titled A Drink for the Land its an amazing change from only just recently when she displayed photos showing the drought.

In another series called Early Morning Dew she captures the lace like detasils of fine dew drouplerts hanging from spider webs
Right: Early Morning Dew

Busted! Nosey Neighbours Caught Spying!
Family and Friends

Above: The Before.

It seems the other miniPT Rafiki from Frozen Cusatard ButterBurgers is Still working on that camera therefore doesn't have any photographs, and will hence forth have 'no recollection of adolescent school years'.

He has a pretty cool Video project, but we dont play Fulaxin videos here!
Right: Fulaxin
Happy 1st Birthday Lola!

Whilst your at Shabot 6000 check out his new Blog currently underconstruction
Jewish Blogmeister thinks he is on to a good thing with his latest Kosher discovery.
Best of Kosher Food Series: Snapple! , looks like something to keep in mind for next summer.
Sammy from Yid with Lid , reveals some photos that a reader emailed him, they're very topical and to do with the Othomom Lawsuit--Pamela Greenbaum Pictures Judge for yourself .
Yael from Aliyah! Step-by-Step: Making a Life in Israel
has It's a girl"Her picture goes up at the pet store and the vets tomorrow in hopes someone might adopt her in the next 3 days. She’s extremely sweet and loving–anyone know anyone who might want…? Right now she is set up with food, water and a litter box and is happily curled up in the rabbit cuddle. I’ll leave you with a picture of her I took when I brought her home:"

Snoopy the Goon from SImply Jews shows us his not the only one feeling cold with Winter misery, wet nuts. Make sure you click on the smaller blogger picture to see the larger more detailed image.
Fun with Photos

So it is with amusement that we view Yid with Lid's submission Mr President, Stop Buying Abbas' Snake Oil

Flying Solo
[#] : [Individual photos submitted by Jews who are non bloggers.]
1. Home made succah
2. Father and daughter in Hevron
3. Bris Milah in Maras Hamachpela
4. Female soldiers writing kvitlach at the Kotel
5. The Yarmulke Store in Yerushalayim
6. Treats in the Machane Yehudah
7. Upshurin in Meiron
Right: Upshurin in Meiron
[#] Submitting Photos for non bloggers!
Not every one has a blog, and due to this some readers generaly miss out when it comes to participating in Carnivals. I had an enquiry related to this and, so in the interest of providing access to other Jews who aren't so computer savy or just plain well don't have blogs, I've established a Photo hosting account , JPixcarnival photo hosting where seperate files of photos can be submitted and displayed on JPix.
Now its quite some work, so if you do have a blog use your blog to display your photos, but if you know some one who would like to share there photos with the greater Jewish community then there is that opition now available.
Don't forget to get in your submissions for the next JPix 3 carnival which will be hosted by the lovely Batya from Shiloh Musings and Me-ander.
Submissions by Sat 10th of March 12pm, Carnival opening on the Monday 12th March
Thank you to all the great Photo posts that have been submitted to JPix 2
If you have any questions you can email JpixcarnivalATgmailDOTcom

* Jpix2 * Jpix 1* Jpix * j pix * blog carnival * Jewish Photography * Jewish Photography Carnival * JPix CarnivalJ Pix Carnival * Jewish Art * Jewish Photos and Blogs * Jewish Photo BlogsJewish Photo Essays * Israel and Photos * Jewish Creativity * Jewish * Israel * Jewish * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger
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